Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 4: Sit & Stay (and finally, Down)

John is having a hard time getting the down trick. It's mainly because of a limp in his left foot. So, after much training and tricks on getting him to get the down trick, John finally made it! I was so happy he made it. It was no easy feat. It helps that i have chicken liver as his treat. I noticed most of the dogs were eager to be trained just for the chicken liver treat. So for now on, that will be my treat every training day.

On the sit & stay trick, John was having a hard time focusing. I guess he's so distracted with the other dogs around him. For the 5 seconds minimum of stay, John was only making 3-4 seconds of focus. :)

John is being bossy in the dog run. It seems like he knows I'm his trainer and that it is his turn to leave the run. :)

3rd day - CRATE & TABLE

I missed the 'DOWN' training day.:(

Moving on, i made sure i am able to join the next training days. It was Crate & Table day. John did a pretty good job in this leg of the training. I noticed he particularly liked being in the table for some time. :0

Treat for the day: Corned beef. He's not really ecstatic about that i think. So off to search for the best treat that will encourage him.

Oh, and 6 dogs got adopted as to date :)

John & Wendy are still searching for their homes.. Adopt them :)